It is day 38 of lockdown and a month since I last blogged. Although it is arguable that not a lot has happened in that time (after all, the COVID-19 lockdown continues and our freedom is still curtailed), I wonder if we are at the beginning of a permanent shift in the way people work.
A month ago I talked about how we were all getting used to being at home all the time, and outlined how I hoped people would act reasonably and be prepared to be flexible. On the whole, I think that has been the case (and I’m not going to name and shame anyone who I think hasn’t been reasonable in an adjudication before me!). Jefford J’s judgment in MillChris Developments Ltd v Waters has been useful in this regard (she refused to grant an injunction to prevent an adjudication from continuing, rejecting arguments that the lockdown was sufficient reason to postpone the adjudication until after the lockdown ended), as James Frampton explained. I’ve used it to “herd” the parties to agree a sensible timetable/compromise on a number of occasions.
I also discussed meetings and site visits, and thought I’d pick up on these two points today. Continue reading