Monthly Archives: January 2013

REUTERS | Ilya Naymushin

We all know (from bitter experience) that conferences and seminars can vary in quality. You can come away from some feeling exhausted by the breadth and depth of what you’ve learnt (for example, the recent TeCSA Adjudication conference was excellent), but others have left me wondering why I bothered making the effort to go (but I’m not naming and shaming!). However, even at the latter you can expect to learn something during tea or lunch breaks.

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REUTERS | Alexander Demianchuk

In Cleightonhills v Bembridge Marine Ltd and others, Akenhead J held that a designer could not recover from those involved in a construction project down the line. On the facts, the third parties had not breached their duty of care in tort. The decision also includes some interesting discussions on obiter points, including whether there is a tortious duty to warn a third party of a dangerous design.

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REUTERS | Ina Fassbender

My 2013 wish list

It’s that time of year again when we start looking forward and wondering what the next 12 months will hold. From all of the items that I wished for last year, one was to see West Ham promoted to the top flight. I was particularly pleased to see that one come to fruition, with the boys doing well under Big Sam.

As ever, here is my 2013 wish list. Continue reading

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