
I am delighted to bring you PLC Construction.

The breadth of the launch site is built on the labours of PLC Construction’s professional support team, with incredible support from within PLC and from many contributors, so a huge thank you to all.

I hope you enjoy the site. Here are some of its highlights:

  • Easy to print procurement route diagrams. It’s goodbye to rough sketches; from now on you can just print off the one you need.
  • Other blogs, from Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP, MCMS Limited and Pinsent Masons LLP (see “Related content” on the right of your screen).
  • Practice notes.
  • Standard documents.

For more, see the “Resources” lists on the left of PLC Construction’s homepage.

Your comments on any of the blogs are welcome. At the bottom of each blog post you will find a comments box. Just fill in your name, email address (this is not published), add your comment and press “submit comment”.

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