- October 13, 2010
Sustainable construction in Wales: a diverging path?
Last week, I looked at the progress on sustainability in Wales. This week, I’d like to focus on three keys areas that may develop differently in England and Wales, as the devolved legislation affecting sustainable construction continues to develop, before considering how Welsh businesses are reacting to the changes. The three areas I want to highlight are: Waste. PPPs. … Continue reading Sustainable construction in Wales: a diverging path? →
- October 6, 2010
Sustainability in Wales: blazing a trail
As a Welshman, it’s good to be showing the English the way for once. For more than 10 years, Westminster has devolved legislative and executive functions to the National Assembly for Wales (NAW) and the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG). To some degree, health, education, transport, housing, local government and environmental protection have all moved into … Continue reading Sustainability in Wales: blazing a trail →
- September 15, 2010
The new PFI? Hybrids are the future
I’m a fan of Jeremy Clarkson and laugh along with the rest at his digs at the Prius. Hybrids- not worth the effort – a good diesel will do the job better. But I’m not sure you can deride hybrids in every arena. A project we’ve been working on has made me look hard at … Continue reading The new PFI? Hybrids are the future →