John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America:
“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”
Just like June, July has continued to be hot and sunny and to offer us a veritable feast of sport, with the World Cup finals (and Germany as the ultimate victors), Wimbledon, international cricket and the start of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. If that hasn’t been enough, it is only a couple of weeks before the start of the football season and the highs and lows that brings to many each year!
If you’ve had time away from the many sporting events, you may have noticed two major events in the legal world. If not, to recap:
- Practical Law subscribers now have access to the JCT 2011 suite of contracts, along with its guidance, as specimen PDFs.
- In Denton v TH White and others, the Court of Appeal produced a new relief from sanctions test. Continue reading