Monthly Archives: December 2013

REUTERS | Alexander Demianchuk

Christmas is approaching and for many of us that means it’s the time when board games are dusted off and some serious competition begins. I confess that I’m more a Trivial Pursuits than Taboo man, mainly because I’m normally hopeless at guessing what other people are trying to describe, and when it’s my turn I always end up saying one of the outlawed words. That said, I don’t mind a bit of Monopoly, provided I don’t end up with Old Kent Road (no disrespect to those of you south of the river). You can buy train stations, a water works, park for free and even go to jail – and then get out again using your “Get out of jail free” card.

Having read Akenhead J’s judgment in Westshield v Whitehouse, responding parties might now have their own “Get out of jail free” card when trying to resist enforcement of an adjudicator’s decision when the referring party is in a CVA. Continue reading

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