Monthly Archives: February 2012

REUTERS | Toby Melville

A little over four months ago, the costs management pilot that had been running in Birmingham was extended to all TCC and mercantile courts until 30 September 2012. The team monitoring the pilot has now published an interim report.

Some may consider it odd that an interim report has been published so early into the pilot, but perhaps given the initial lack of enthusiasm for the pilot, particularly in London, this is a way for its authors to gather support and encourage more TCC users and its judges to participate. Continue reading

REUTERS | Andrew Winning

RICS’ conflicts guidance

Some of you may have seen that the RICS has published guidance on how to deal with conflicts, helpfully called Conflicts of interest. I should declare an interest at the outset (not a conflict though!). While I wasn’t an author, I am chairman of the RICS’ Dispute Resolution Professional Group (DRPG) and the DRPG is responsible for standards concerning dispute resolution, including this guidance note – apologies if I therefore appear biased!

The guidance note is available to RICS members to download from the RICS website and to non-members to buy from It has been prepared not only to give guidance to surveyors appointed as dispute resolvers on how to deal with conflicts, but also to be of assistance to the parties and their representatives. Continue reading

REUTERS | Arnd Wiegmann

In my third post in this series on Building Information Modelling (BIM), I concentrate on the professional team.

Fully integrated BIM delivery will inevitably affect the way in which professional consultants work together and work for their client.

Integrated delivery means a fully integrated contractual framework, including the professional team’s terms of appointment. But how will responsibilities be allocated?

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